Oh, I shudder even thinking about this post. Our 2 year old Clarke has survived a lot lately, and it all started with jumping off the couch. I was in church meetings and Ty had just gotten home from his church meetings. Chandler and Marissa were ready for church and so they went down to watch a scripture story. Clarke was fresh out of the tub, running around in his diaper, and Ty was eating some breakfast. That's how I left the house...then in the middle of my meeting, one of the stake presidency got off the stand and came down to me in the audience and said, "I just got a text from your husband, and there has been an emergency--you need to go home right now." My heart dropped, and I quickly ran out. I called Ty in the lobby and he told me Clarke had jumped off the couch and his arm was broken. I asked if maybe he was over-reacting, even though I could here Clarke crying. He said that his arm was U-shaped. I tried not to panic, breathing deeply as I drove home. When I got there, all 3 kids were crying. Poor Clarke was hurting, and the other two just felt so bad for him and were scared. So, we all packed up and went to the ER in our Sunday clothes. It wasn't a long wait, which was good. We texted our parents and my mom and sister ended up being there half way through. Clarke cried the WHOLE time. He was so mad that I couldn't be there for x-rays (being 7 months pregnant!). He finally calmed down and fell asleep after a shot of demerol, but was rudely awakened by Dr. Joe resetting his bone. I cried too... that's hard for a mama to watch. He put on a splint thing and we went home. On day 2, we went to get a real cast and found out his other arm was broken too. We decided just to check, and sure enough, both bones in both arms were broken. One arm was just hairline fractures and he got to have a removable splint. The other arm was much worse and had to have a cast from fingers to armpit. Clarke pretty much layed on the couch for 5 days, which is not like him. He had to be carried everywhere, which really hurt my back. He couldn't do anything at first, and had to be fed every bite. It was exhausting. Did I mention this was the same week I got summoned for jury duty, Ty's grandma had a stroke, and we had the grand opening of Ty's dental office??? Can we say STRESS? Well, he adapted, and the splint came off after 3 weeks, and the cast after 7 weeks. He bathed in the sink, screamed through every x-ray, and knows Dr. Joe gives him succors and candies. We had to cut and stretch out clothes to fit over his arms. He will tell you, "jumped off couch--snap!" Not a fun few weeks!! or the 3 weeks after that, for that matter. He got RSV and fought symptoms for 2 weeks, then got the stomach flu (along with the rest of family) after that. Hopefully we can have a long healthy streak now.