Well, spring break wasn't quite what we planned. Thursday night Chandler woke up throwing up, and by Sunday, all 5 of us had it. It was a miserable, intense flu, and by Sunday night, we had all 4 beds to change sheets on, plus a few batches of blankets, towels, rags, etc. We were finally better by the following Wednesday, with only a small part of our vacation left. So much for getting a bunch of projects done before the baby! I didn't really take any other pictures, but we did end up glazing our armoire, having a pizza making night, cooking freezer meals with my mom (we each got 17 meals done!) and the project above--"sand art". We actually just put a couple of drops of food coloring into a cup of sugar in a ziplock, then shake, shake, shake. The kids played with it for hours while Clarke and I napped!
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