Saturday, March 28, 2009

Guess what?!?

Yes, that is what you think it is.
And yes, it's REALLY TRUE!!
Sooo, here's a little Q&A.
*When am I due? October 20
*How far along am I? 11 weeks
*Am I showing yet? Yes, to people who know me well, but I just look chubby to strangers. (I only have 2 pair of pants I can still wear!)
*Have I been sick? YES, and extremely tired. I don't remember it being this hard. Maybe I'm getting old. Haven't thrown up yet, though I felt like it almost constantly for the past 6 weeks (thus the lack of blogging). I've noticed a slight improvement in the past week. I never threw up with Marissa, and only did 2-3 times with Chandler. If I don't eat every 2-3 hours, I get even more sick, which is hard, cuz most food doesn't sound good.
*How did the kids react? They are ecstatic. Marissa actually figured it out 3-4 weeks ago. She remembered me telling her about being sick with Chandler, so she said, "Mom, you've been sick a lot lately, I think you have a baby in your tummy!" and then a couple of days later she came to me and said "I had a dream about you last night. I dreamed you came to me and told me there was a baby girl in your tummy." The funny thing was that I dreamed the same thing (except the part about it being a girl) that same night. So I told her the truth, and swore her to secrecy till we announced it. Chandler found out when we announced it to the fam--he just got wide eyes and came and tenderly patted my belly. He thinks it's a "brother". Marissa claims, "I'm going to be more than a big helper with this baby, I'm going to be it's 2nd mother." And I believe it. She's already been a huge help. I'll ask her to do something and she'll say, "Oh, I know why you need me to do that--the baby!! Sure, mom!!"


Katie said...

Congrats you guys!!! Your kids are so adorable- I really hope we get to see you and them next week!

Rural Dee said...

Congratulations, Kyla!! Shaunna L. told me at church that this post was on your blog, so don't worry, news is already getting around down here. I was suspicious anyway, with the lack of blogs and all...but only because my desire to blog has also been lackluster the last seven months for the same reason--I know how you feel! Now if only Collin could be as helpful as Marissa...I guess he needs a few more years. Anyway, we are very excited for you guys! Congrats to Dione too!

kylee said...

YAY!!! Congratulations! I was wondering when baby Bodily #3 was coming! I'm so excited for you guys! I hope you feel better and that everything goes well with the pregnancy! Don't forget to keep us updated with prego pictures and the latest news!

Elise said...

Woooo whoooooo!!!!! So exciting!!! When I saw the title of the post
I wondered... Take it easy, your almost over the worst. :O) Exciting that Miss learned how to ride her bike!! I think I cried when Braiden took off on his. They grow up fast. Lets get together sometime. It's been a while.

Malia Carter said...

wow! i can hardly believe it! that is so exciting! tell me if my coming up will be too much for you, i hate to be a burden, but i would help you as much as i could, i promise :P. hehe wow im so excited. anyway, i realized after i called when i was in idaho that you were in twin falls, and i was in idaho falls! haha oops my bad.

B. Surfer said...

Yeah for more babies! Sorry you've been sick, but glad you have Marissa. Oct 20?! Amazing.

Jenni said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. We are only about a month apart. I'm sorry you've been sick, I can definitely relate. I love how your kids reacted, they are so cute.

Stephanie Black said...

Congratulations Kyla and Ty! I'm so excited for you guys. I hope you start feeling better. I love all the info about the baby news and what your kids said about it. They are so cute...and grown up. Good luck with the pregnancy!

Miguelybeli said...

Hey Congrats!!! I am so happy to hear that. I am still waiting for my turn. Feel better.