Friday, June 26, 2009

An extra birthday surprise--baby kittens!

Chandler's birthday is May 14th. When we woke up on the 15th, we found that Pinky-Pie had given birth to 5 beautiful kittens during the night. They have been a source of true joy every day since. The kids love them. I dread the fact that we need to find homes for them in about 2 weeks while they're still small and cute. The kids are gonna be broken hearted. By the way--anyone want a kitten? There are 4 plain black and 1 orange striped one. (we found out that there can be up to FOUR fathers for one batch of kittens--we're guessing 2 fathers in this one.)

It was hilarious how it happened. Marissa (who is always the first one up) had gone out to feed Pinky, and she came running back in shouting (and waking everyone up) "Pinky-Pie is skinny, Pinky-Pie is skinny." So Ty and I got up to investigate, and sure enough--5 tiny kittens were cuddled up in the cathouse.