Thursday, February 24, 2011

8 years old, going on 25...

So, Marissa came out with 2 balloons in her shirt and announced, "I wish I had breasts and could wear dangly earrings!" OOHHH, my....I started to give her the "someday you will" lecture and "we have to enjoy the time of life we're in" lecture. Then she continued, "I wish I were a mom with babies. Moms have all the fun, (She's telling me this as I'm scrubbing the lasagna pan...ya, fun...) especially when your pregnant. You get to lay around all day and make the kids do all the work." HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I could not stop laughing. I guess the grass always look greener on the other side.


Adams said...

Oh my goodness, that is just too funny!