Sunday, February 13, 2011

What a LLOOONNNGGG Weekend!!

It's been such a long weekend, I honestly can hardly remember anything else that happened this whole week. Clarke has been sniffling all week, but started getting a fever on Friday afternoon. He woke up Saturday morning MISERABLE. He has been so fevered all day Saturday and all night that it took both IBProfen and Tylenol to keep the fever at bay, although the fever stayed low-grade till 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning, when it finally broke after Ty gave him a blessing at 5:30 before his early morning meetings! It was one of the longest nights I can remember. I dozed off here and there a few minutes, but basically was up the ENTIRE night. Today my whole body aches--got a kink in about everything. Today he took 2 naps (so did I). Friends took Marissa and Chandler to church while Ty visited another ward with the stake presidency. This morning my shower felt like heaven after such a long night of getting coughed on, barfed on, and used as a human kleenex. AAHHHH!!! Tonight I'm wishing it were either nice weather or not Sunday. Then I could either go take a walk, or go buy a strawberry-banana-golden oreo blizzard and have a few minutes alone. Oh, well, guess I'll vent on my blog instead. I'm praying he's all worn out now and will sleep well tonight...we'll see. Sick kids (babies in particular) are the WORST!! You just don't know quite what is wrong or how to fix it. It's been a long time since we've been sick, though, (like November) so I guess it's our turn! Generally, our family is healthy, and I am SOOOO grateful for that!!!


Adams said...

I'm so sorry....I wish I were there because I'd take the kids for you so you could get out today. I'd even be willing to get barfed on for you!

Katie said...

You have such a good attitude about it...I need to be more like that! SOmetimes I feel like my whole life revolves around how much sleep I've gotten:).

Kyla said...

Alisa--you are so sweet and have always been such a great friend. Thanks for the offers!!
Katie--I don't know about the "good attitude" part--my whole post was a complaint!! You are the one that is always optimistic!!