Friday, August 22, 2008

Twin Falls Temple

We have a new temple 45 minutes away from us! We are sooo excited about it. It is so beautiful. We got to attend the open house and I got to work in the open house. It was such a great experience. When we were getting ready for the open house, Marissa was all eyes and ears. I told her we needed to dress in Sunday clothes for the open house and she thought for a minute, then determined, "I want to wear my white dress so I'll match the temple." Also, she told us, "This is the temple I'm going to get married in." On the tour, when you reach the Celestial room, they ask everyone to be silent. I couldn't believe how strong the spirit was there. Then, in the sealing room, I cried as I showed Marissa and Chandler the special mirrors that go on forever just like our family can. After we exited into the hallway, I asked Marissa how she felt when she was in that special room. She tenderly replied, "I feel like I really love everyone." It was joyful to be in the temple with my husband and my two sweet kids. Made me want to do better. It was also fun to be a part of serving in the open house. I was the cookie hander-outer at the end. The church did a fabulous job in the stake house for the reception after--everything was gorgeous, and the cookies were to die for. There have been over 400 referals to the missionaries and 4baptisms so far and there is 70 more taking discussions right now, and the temple isn't even dedicated yet! It's amazing.