Monday, May 4, 2009


A few highlights from the Easter season--
I went to Marissa's Kindergarten class and we made bunny baskets and had an egg hunt. We colored eggs with my mom and sister. We did tie-dye eggs and glitter eggs (neither of which would I recommend or do again--think I'll stick to the plain jane kind next year.) We had easter egg hunts here and at my mom's house. The kids and I are showing off our new Easter clothes (Kids are so fun to dress up). The kids got Seeds for our garden, play dough and CTR rings in their baskets. (There must be a dentist in the house.)Even the eggs were stuffed with non-candy items--balloons, quarters, stickers, little toys, and sugar free gum! Part of it too, is that I am craving stuff like tomatoes and steak, and not chocolate and sugar (I know, WEIRD).


Jenni said...

I'm craving cucumbers and tomatoes and I have to admit that a good steak does sound good right now, so maybe it's not so weird. I loved your Easter outfits.