Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Garden

Our garden has been an ongoing project since before Easter. We planted some seeds in our house and they have been growing in front of our glass sliding door. Ty got our garden all tilled and ready and we've planted onions, spinach, carrots, strawberries, and peas so far--a lot of other plants you have to wait 3-4 more weeks till the chance of frost is gone before you can plant them. The kids have been absolutely elated, and loved every minute of it. They tend and watch and water the plants every day. Hopefully we can keep it all alive and actually get some good food from it--it's our first attempt at a real garden, so we'll see. (and yes, I know I graduated in horticulture, but I did floral design--working with flowers that are already dead. The class I had to actually grow plants in, I got one of the 2 "non-A" grades on a report card I've ever had in my entire life, because I killed ALL of them. I only got a "C" because I did a lot of Extra Credit!!)