Thursday, November 20, 2008

Carving Punkin's

The kids were delighted with the pumpkins they got from Grandma Jentzsch's garden. They each had their own ideas about carving. Chandler wanted a scary, mean face, (thus the mean eyebrows and jagged teeth).a while Marissa wanted a cute, fun face (notice the heart shaped eyes and dimple, which are not easy to cut out, by the way). One of the things they most enjoyed was lighting the candles and bloweing them out each night. We just barely threw them away 2 days ago--they last much longer here in the cold than in the humidity of Florida. We ended up carving them before school one morning, because the kids couldn't wait a minute longer and we wanted the whole family to be here. It was fun.


Adams said...

You guys are brave parents: Ty is brave for doing that in his white shirt and tie and you are brave for doing it at all! I'm a mean mom...I still haven't carved pumpkins with them yet! Well, I did when Levi was a baby with some friends but that doesn't count!