Sunday, November 16, 2008

A typical meal at our house

Sometimes the kids are famished and inhale their food in 2 seconds. But many meals end up like this--Ty and I get done eating practically when the kids start. Then I start on dishes and Ty lays on the couch and the kids?...Well, the picture explains it pretty good. And then it usually ends with something like "Dinner will be over in 5 minutes." "But mom, I'm still hungry. I'm not done. Is there dessert?"

Okay, so it may be a bit of an exaggeration--they really do pretty good, but sometimes we have a meal like this and it makes me laugh and wonder-- what goes through kids' heads? What are they doing and why are they doing it? I've even gotten the whole table cleared up before they notice--"Hey mom, where is my plate? I'm still hungry. Do I still get a snack?"